Thursday, June 9, 2011

Unconquerable Soul

I reviewed the poem Invictus for an assignment on my continuing quest to discover hardiness. I love this poem and analyzing through the lens of hardiness added even deeper insight. I realized that I need to embrace adversity and find meaning in all the trials I face. As I do this I take control of my outcome by choosing to embrace the good and the bad times. This also strengthens my commitment as I reinforce the meaning of my life, which a big part of that is to develop an unconquerable soul. I said in my discussion board posting I would feel like I was successful in life if my headstone read that I had an unconquerable soul and part of this is not just enduring adversity, but using all hardships to further strengthen my resolve. Acknowledging the power my attitude has and actively choosing to attack all challenges head on will help me to be high in challenge. All of these lessons helped me to take a big step on the road to Hardiness!

1 comment:

  1. Impressive journey "daddy" and commendable goal of striving towards an 'unconquerable soul'.
